We all know that Paris is an expensive city and living here on a tight budget can get quite frustrating. Especially when you want to take advantage of many things that Paris has to offer. Speaking from my personal experience, after living here for 2 years, there are many ways you can enjoy yourself in Paris without breaking the bank. Here are my personal recommendations to try out in Paris on a budget.
Half price Theatre tickets via Culture Kiosques
If you are into theatre and have always wanted to see a play in Paris but find the tickets a bit too pricy, I highly recommend visiting one of the Culture Kiosques which offer half-price theatre tickets for the same day as the performance.
There are currently 3 Culture Kiosques locations in Paris:
-Madeleine – 15 Place de la Madeleine, Paris 8ème
-Montparnasse – Place Raoul Dautry, Paris 15ème
-Ternes – Place des Ternes, Paris 17ème
If you would like to see what plays they have on offer; you can consult their website: https://www.kiosqueculture.com/
Free entry to Paris museums
Paris has a countless list of amazing museums and many of them are free all year round for people under 25 and from the EU country. But if you are like me, outside of this age group, you can still enjoy free entry to most Parisian museums on the first Sunday of each month, isn’t that amazing! Check out our blog post on discovering Paris through its museums!
For a complete list of Free museums and monuments in Paris, please visit this website: https://en.parisinfo.com/what-to-see-in-paris/museums/free-admission-and-good-deals-in-museums-and-monuments-in-paris
Yoga classes in Paris on a budget
Finally, if you want to get fit or if you are looking for a reasonably priced yoga studio in Paris, check out Affordable Yoga at https://www.affordableyoga.com/. They offer the most inexpensive Yoga and Fitness classes in many locations throughout Paris. What’s more, their classes are taught in English!! And let’s not forget about free, weekly yoga and jog gym sessions at Le Répertoire de Gaspard that run during the school year. What are you waiting for, let’s get sporty!
I hope this gives you a good starting point to get out there and start enjoying more your Parisian experience. Bon courage et profitez bien! 😉