Top Reasons to Have A Childcarer
What are the top reasons to have a childcarer? When we think of a childcarer the terms babysitter, au pair, nanny spring to mind. The point in common is that they are adults in charge of our children. This job is both a privilege and a huge responsibility.
Le Repertoire de Gaspard has a team of childcarers that ensures the children are nurtured and cared for and have the opportunity to develop their English language skills.
Parents come to us searching for highly-qualified and motivated individuals who will help make a difference in their child’s daily routine.
Here are our top five reasons for people to consider taking on a childcarer.
1. Childcarers are experienced
In many instances, nannies have several years of experience under their built and often have relevant qualifications that boost their performance. At Le Repertoire de Gaspard, many childcarers are participating in an Early Years Childcare diploma – the CAP Petit Enfance to develop their skillset. Check out a day in the life here….
A Day in the Life: CAP childcare course – Le Répertoire de Gaspard (lerepertoiredegaspard.com)
2. Childcarers can be like an extension to your family
For most of our families who have been with the agency for numerous years, they find that our childcarers act like another member of the family and add to the support system.
Parents find it is wonderful to be able to turn to another adult and know they are there for you. For example, when it comes to the school pick-up or bed-time routine – they help ease the workload on a daily basis.
Some of our amazing childcarers
3. Childcarers can cover your back in emergencies and give you some free time!
If your child or children are sick, having a childcarer can be a blessing in disguise for any last minute changes or plans. Having another adult to rely on is a great relief for many parents who would otherwise struggle to find an alternative solution at short notice. How New Parents Can Find the Time and Energy to Exercise – Consumer Reports
4. Children get one-to-one attention
Children who have childcarers benefit from being able to get one-to-one attention; stay in a family environment; stick to their usual routines and generally have less exposure to germs and viruses.
5. Learning about new perspectives
Having an outsider from your normal family set-up can be beneficial in terms of giving you a different perspective on life. For many children at Le Repertoire de Gaspard, with our English speaking childcarers, they are having the opportunity to be exposed to another language and culture. This can be a very enriching and rewarding experience.