It’s that time for those living in France to sort out their annual tax declaration. Here’s Le Repertoire de Gaspard’s guide about what you need to know, how and by when!
For those working at Le Repertoire de Gaspard, you will even receive your own guide about what to do as well as a face to face info session in the office to help you through the joys of French administration. Learn about more employee benefits here!
Do I really have to do it?
Many expats or new arrivals to France ask this question. The dreaded answer is …Yes!
Everyone in France must fill in the Déclaration des Revenus form, even if you are now taxed at source on your income (since Jan 2019). Basically, if you spend at least 183 days a year in France and/or work here you need to fill out the forms.
The declaration you are filling out this month (May 2019) is for your income from 2018, January to December.
As an expat living in France, you will need to know the French tax regulations and learn how to file your French tax return. There is a fine of €15 if you do not file it online two years in a row (essentially allowing a one-year grace period to adapt).
When do I need to do it by?
The deadline to have the paper form completed and submitted is May 16th. For first time tax declarers, you MUST complete it in the paper format.
The deadline for online forms varies in different areas
- Tuesday 21 May 2019 for departments 01 to 19,
- Tuesday 28 May 2019 for departments 20 to 49,
- Tuesday 4 June 2019 for departments 50 to 974/976. This includes Paris 🙂
Can I only do it online?
If you are declaring for the first time you will have to fill in the paper form – you can get this at your local tax office or download it and print it from the tax site.
However, everyone else must file their return online. If you are struggling, La Poste provides a service which will send an advisor sent to your house to help you fill in the form online. It will cost you 29 euros.
So now what?
You need to visit the site impots.gouv.fr and go to the section that says “votre espace particulier”. You’ll need three pieces of information to set up your account: your tax number, your online access number and your reference tax income. (votre numéro fiscal, votre numéro d’accès en ligne et votre revenu fiscal de référence).
These pieces of information are likely on tax forms stashed away in your drawers or on your payslips! You will have received most of information from Le Repertoire de Gaspard already.
What do I have to pay?
Don’t worry, you don’t pay anything yet. Once your declaration is received by the French tax authorities, they will work out your tax and send you a bill (avis d’imposition). You will probably get this in August so make sure you have a suitable postal address where you can get your mail from.
Need more help?
There’s an English service available – hurrah !
Phone +33 (0) 1 72 95 20 42. Then press 2 for English services.
Hours are Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm.
Bon courage!